Tuesday, June 2, 2015

TOW #29 "Letter to a New APELC Student"

Dear Future Student,

Hey there.  I'm so glad you were able to take this course, since you are obviously a really good student and you must want to improve your skills and love English.  But, you probably have heard someone taking the class complain about the work load on occasion.  You might have also heard about getting bad grades on the summer essay or not getting the grade you wanted in a certain marking period.  You might also hear that this class was a horrible mistake, that you will certainly die before the AP testing.  However, about 50% of those things are only half-truths.

But seriously, this class was one of the most strenuous yet rewarding class I have ever taken.  At the end of the year, I have gain countless new skills.  I learned how to effectively close read, I learned how to write properly, and I learn a slew of new rhetorical devices to be used both in analyzing nonfiction pieces and in my own writing.  I have also learned a new appreciation for nonfiction, a genre of material that I have avoided like the plague before.  All in all, I ended the year with an A in the class, a new appreciation for nonfiction, and improved essays used in all my other subjects.

In this class, you really begin to acquire new skills for your formal writing.    The workload was not actually that bad.  I mean, it is an AP class, so you will have work to do.  And it will be challenging.  You will feel like it is too much to handle.  My biggest piece of advice is to do all the homework that Mr. Yost and Ms. Pronko assign.  That is a surefire way to improve any essay and see your grade in the class gradually increase.  Also, don't be discouraged by the summer essay.  You are not supposed to get an A on it.  It is used to show just how much you have grown as a student.  You will definitely see an improvement in your writing.  Remember that everyone last year passed.  So will you.

Best of luck,
Ian Wilenzik

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